Updating the beta version of the program.

A beta version is updated to 7.2. The program fixed the errors, was found to 19.11.10. Updated built-in Arduino IDE. Added new functionality: 1. the string-to-number conversion Block can now convert a string in different number systems (binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal). The number system of the input string is set in the block settings. …

Далее…Updating the beta version of the program.


Updating the beta version of the program.

The beta version of the program has been updated to 7.1. 0. What’s new? At the request of users in the new user block editor for the standard parameter, in the “Switch ” display, I increased the maximum number of points to 10.  For the project, FBD integrated the ability to create folders and manually …

Далее…Updating the beta version of the program.


Updating the beta version of the program

The beta version of the FLProg program has been updated to number 7.0.5. This version fixes bugs found on 20.08.2020. In addition, the functionality of the program has been updated. Another attempt was made to implement Undo Redo. The corresponding buttons returned to their places. Keyboard shortcuts are also used. For Undo-Ctrl+Z, for Redo-Ctrl+Shift+Z. A …

Далее…Updating the beta version of the program


Updating the beta version of the program

The beta version of the program has been updated to number 7-0-2. It fixes errors found on 03-07-2020. In addition, the block for reading data from the pzem-04 module was improved. Added the ability to set the module’s survey permission input, and the survey period task input. We continue testing the beta version of the …

Далее…Updating the beta version of the program


Release of the beta version with the number 7.0

After a long break, a new beta version of the program was released with the number 7.0. The development of this version took more than three months, but the work was done very much. What’s new in version 7.0. A new custom block editor was developed from scratch. When developing it, I took into account …

Далее…Release of the beta version with the number 7.0


Release of the stable version with the number 6.3.0

The sixth line of versions of the program has finally reached a stable release. I hope I managed to overcome the main errors and bugs. I also tried to implement the maximum of the wishes expressed during the discussion of beta versions. Questions related to user blocks and Scuds are still left unanswered (with the …

Далее…Release of the stable version with the number 6.3.0