Reloading of distributions of version 7.4.0

Due to the fact that my computer was updated for the release build farm, an oversight occurred during its transfer. The distributions of the Windows 32 and Windows 64 versions of the program (installers and portable) were damaged. Not all the necessary files were included in the packages. Distributions for other operating systems (Windows XP, …

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The release of a new beta version of the program.

A new version of the FLProg program has been released with the number 7.4.0. I remember well that I promised you version 8 with an online storage of user blocks. And moreover, the work on creating a repository has been implemented, about half. But life makes its own adjustments. For a number of reasons, I …

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The release of a new stable version of the FLProg program.

The stable version of the FLProg program has been updated to version 7.3.0. All changes are not really described here – see the previous news of the project. But one change I must note. Starting with this version, the program saves its files in Unicode encoding. Previous versions used Windows-1251.The encoding change was caused by …

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Updating the beta version of the program.

The beta version of the program has been updated to 7.2.1. the program fixes errors found on 29.11.20. for all digital fields, the problem with the “jumping” cursor has been fixed. In addition, you can enter numbers in hexadecimal and binary number systems in all numeric fields present in the program. Input format. Hexadecimal: 0x1F …

Далее…Updating the beta version of the program.


Updating the beta version of the program.

A beta version is updated to 7.2. The program fixed the errors, was found to 19.11.10. Updated built-in Arduino IDE. Added new functionality: 1. the string-to-number conversion Block can now convert a string in different number systems (binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal). The number system of the input string is set in the block settings. …

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