The content of the help under the program

 Custom block editor
 The Basic Editor
 User blocksVariable block user
User block parameter
User block
The input in the block of the user
User block created using code on C
 Professional EditorMain window, General terms and concepts.
 Basic settingsMultiblock-Basic settings
 ParametersParameters - Main branch
Parameters folder
Parameter-main branch
The description of the parameter
 Parameter classesStandard parameter
Project variable
Physical pin of the controller
 ConditionsConditions - main branch
Conditions folder
 CodeBranches "Code", "Code Section", "Code Part"
Branch "Code Element"
 Additional librariesBranch "Additional libraries"
Branch "Additional library"
 Block packageBlock package - Main branch
Block package folder
The group of package blocks
 BlockMain branch of the block
Basic block settings
 InputsBranch "Inputs of the block"
Branch "Block Input"
 OutputsBranch "Block outputs"
Branch " Output"
 Supported hardwareExpander PWM PCA9685
Energy monitor PZEM-004T
Can bus adapter MCP2515
 ModbusVariable in the Slave device to operate the Protocol
Analog input (Input Register) in the slave controller
The storage register (Holding Registr) in the slave controller
Digital input (Discrete Input) slave controller
Flag (Coil) in the slave controller
Speed setting Modbus
Set setting Data Bits Modbus
Set setting Parity Modbus
Set setting Stop Bits Modbus
Software specifying the address of the Slave device in a Modbus network
Unit on / off slave to Modbus Master
Analog Input Registr in the slave polled by the master controller
The storage register (Holding Registr) in the slave polled by the master controller
Digital input (Discrete Input) in slave polled by the master controller
Flag (Coil) in the slave polled by the master controller
The last error in the Modbus
Variable to read and send values to Slave
 Blocks library
 Basic elements[OR]
State table
Detector changes the number
Detector string changes
Bit change detector
Nonlinear scaling
 CountersHigh-speed counter
Remainder of the division (modulo)
Receive from UART
Sending variable to UART
Receiving a variable from UART
Getting variable out of the ring
Sending a variable in the ring
 Real-time clockAlarm clock
Obtain the data from real-time clock
Setting time for real time clock
Temperature in real time clock
 DisplaysDisplay on the chip НD44780
Control block display backlight on-chip I2C HD4480
Block decoding the seven-segment indicator
 StringsString concatenation
String comparison
String length
Search substring
Getting substring
Get a character from the string
Add "Char" to string
 IR control[IR Ressive]
[IR Send]
 ArraysPut element in the array
Getting element of array
The sum of the elements of the array
Search element in array
Copying arrays
 StructuresSave in the structure
To read from the structure
 Temperature sensors[DS18x2x]
Contact-less Infrared Sensor - MLX90614
Signal converter K-type thermocouple MAX6675
 Humidity sensorsSensor of temperature and humidity DHT11 (DHT21, DHT22)
Sensor temperature and humidity HTU21 (GY-21)
 Pressure sensors[BMP-085]
 Light sensors[BH1750LightMeter]
Sensor color recognition TCS230
 Distance sensors[Ultrasonic HC-SR04]
 For ESP32 Capacitive touch button
Built-in hall sensor
 SD cardFile upload from SD card
Save variable on the SD card
 Types conversionConversion from Float to Integer
-> Byte
-> Char
Word (Integer) -> Bytes
Bytes -> Word (Integer)
Doubleword -> Bytes
Bytes -> Doubleword
IP Address -> String
String -> IP address
 Chip extensionExtender outputs 74HC595
Led driver MAX7219
Expander input-output MCP23017
ESP32 built-in DAC
 PCA9685 - expander PWM outputs and Servo (16)PCA9685 - Servo
PCA9685 - PWM output
PCA9685 - Save in an arbitrary output
PCA9685 - the current state of the PWM
PCA9685 - set frequency PWM
 Digital potentiometerDigital potentiometer MCP41xxx
 MCP2515 - can bus ControllerMCP2515 - can bus Reading
MCP2515 - Write to CAN bus
A single message CAN
 Operation with bitsDecoder
Bit read
Bit write
Byte -> Bits
Bits -> Byte
 Bitwise operationsBitwise AND
Bitwise OR
Bitwise XOR
Bitwise NOT
 Keyboard and mouse
 Mouse controlStatus of the mouse
Move the mouse
Mouse wheel
Pressing / releasing the mouse button
Click the mouse button
 KeyboardStatus of the keyboard
One action with the keyboard
Sequence of keystrokes
 Media buttonsMedia volume up
Media volume down
Media mute
Media play
Media pause
Media play/pause
Media stop
Media next
Media previous
Media forward
Media rewind
Media sleep
Media home
Media search
 For Arduino DueOutput of the DAC of the Arduino DUE
 OtherCode table
PID controller
Matrix keyboard
Piezo speaker
Scanning the bus OneWare
 MenuMain menu block
Value of the menu item
Set the value of the sequencer step
Get the step value of the sequencer
 Equipment NooliteControl transmitter Noo Lite
 Receiver MR1132Binding to the channel
Channel cleaning
Clear all channels
Temperature sensor PT112
Sensor temperature and humidity PT111
Motion sensor PM111
 RFID module RC522New card
Information about the cart
Reading the data block from the card
Save block data to the cart
 UUID cards storeSave the UUID to the storage
Read the UUID of the card from the storage
The status of the cell storage
Save status of the cell
Lock / unlock cells
Search the UUID in the storage
Free cells in the storage
Cleaning the cell in the storage
Cleaning of all storage
Energy monitor PZEM-004T
Reading from EEPROM
The current Ethernet IP address of the device
Getting time from NTP server
Remote management through "RemoteXY"
Getting weather from OpenWeatherMap
 Nextion-HMI panel
 ElementsSet value
Get value
 WaveformAdd a point on the waveform
Sending the array to the waveform
 PageGo to the page
Get the Id of the current page
 DrawingFill the current page with one color
Display image on current page
Display on the current page cut image
Draw line on current page
Draw text on current page
Draw on the current page circle
Draw on the current page filled circle
Draw rectangle on current page
Draw on the current page filled rectangle
Tracking clicks
Clicking on an item
 SystemGet value of the system variable
Set value of the system variable
Configuring GPIO (Enhanced Only)
Set the backlight level
To sleep/to wake up the panel
Command at calibration
 ColorConversion RGB -> Highcolor
Color constant Highcolor
 SystemDeep sleep mode
Deep sleep mode
Reboot the controller
The status of the WiFi connection
Read system parameter
Save system parameter
 Base blocksКонтакт
Protection from bounce
Allocation of the leading edge
The allocation of the trailing edge
State table
 Special relaysBistable relay
Time relay
Comparison relay
Bit change detector
Remainder of the division (modulo)
 Analog blocksScaling
Nonlinear scaling
Detector changes the number
Detector string changes
Analog switch
Analog input of the controller
Analog output of the controller
Input of the analog connector
Output of the analog connector
High-speed counter
Receive from UART
Sending variable to UART
Receiving a variable from UART
Getting variable out of the ring
Sending a variable in the ring
Stepper motor
 Real-time clockAlarm clock
Obtain the data from real-time clock
Setting time for real time clock
Temperature in real time clock
 DisplaysDisplay on the chip НD44780
Control block display backlight on-chip I2C HD4480
Block decoding the seven-segment indicator
 StringsString concatenation
String comparison
String length
Search substring
Getting substring
Get a character from the string
Add "Char" to string
 IR control[IR Ressive]
[IR Send]
 ArraysPut element in the array
Getting element of array
The sum of the elements of the array
Search element in array
Copying arrays
 StructuresSave in the structure
To read from the structure
 Temperature sensorsTemperature sensor DS18x2x
Contact-less Infrared Sensor - MLX90614
Signal converter K-type thermocouple MAX6675
 Humidity sensorsSensor of temperature and humidity DHT11 (DHT21, DHT22)
Sensor temperature and humidity HTU21 (GY-21)
 Pressure sensorsBMP-085
 Light sensorsBH1750 Light Meter
Sensor color recognition TCS230
 Distance sensors[Ultrasonic HC-SR04]
 For ESP32 Capacitive touch button
Built-in hall sensor
 SD cardSave variable on the SD card
File upload from SD card
 Types conversionConvertStringBlock
Conversion from Float to Integer
-> Byte
-> Char
Word (Integer) -> Bytes
Bytes -> Word (Integer)
Doubleword -> Bytes
Bytes -> Doubleword
IP Address -> String
String -> IP address
 Chip extensionExtender outputs 74HC595
Led driver MAX7219
Expander input-output MCP23017
ESP32 built-in DAC
 PCA9685 - expander PWM outputs and Servo (16)PCA9685 - Servo
PCA9685 - PWM output
PCA9685 - Save in an arbitrary output
PCA9685 - the current state of the PWM
PCA9685 - set frequency PWM
 Digital potentiometerDigital potentiometer MCP41xxx
 MCP2515 - can bus ControllerMCP2515 - can bus Reading
MCP2515 - Write to CAN bus
A single message CAN
 Operation with bitsDecoder
Read a bit
Write a bit
Byte -> Bits
Bits -> Byte
 Bitwise operationsBitwise AND
Bitwise OR
Bitwise XOR
Bitwise NOT
 Keyboard and mouse
 Mouse controlStatus of the mouse
Move the mouse
Mouse wheel
Pressing / releasing the mouse button
Click the mouse button
 KeyboardStatus of the keyboard
One action with the keyboard
Sequence of keystrokes
 Media buttonsMedia volume up
Media volume down
Media mute
Media play
Media pause
Media play/pause
Media stop
Media next
Media previous
Media forward
Media rewind
Media sleep
Media home
Media search
 For Arduino DueOutput of the DAC of the Arduino DUE
 OtherCode table
PID controller
Matrix keyboard
Piezo speaker
Scanning the bus OneWare
 MenuMain menu block
Value of the menu item
Set the value of the sequencer step
Get the step value of the sequencer
 Equipment NooliteControl transmitter Noo Lite
 Receiver MR1132Binding to the channel
Channel cleaning
Clear all channels
Temperature sensor PT112
Sensor temperature and humidity PT111
Motion sensor PM111
 RFID module RC522New card
Information about the cart
Reading the data block from the card
Save block data to the cart
 UUID cards storeSave the UUID to the storage
Read the UUID of the card from the storage
The status of the cell storage
Save status of the cell
Lock / unlock cells
Search the UUID in the storage
Free cells in the storage
Cleaning the cell in the storage
Cleaning of all storage
Energy monitor PZEM-004T
Reading from EEPROM
 CommunicationBlock sending variable through communication
Receiving a variable through communication
Web server page
Web client
The current Ethernet IP address of the device
Getting time from NTP server
 Ready servicesTransmission data on ""
Remote management through "RemoteXY"
Getting weather from OpenWeatherMap
 Nextion-HMI panel
 ElementsSet value
Get value
 WaveformAdd a point on the waveform
Sending the array to the waveform
 PageGo to the page
Get the Id of the current page
 DrawingFill the current page with one color
Display image on current page
Display on the current page cut image
Draw line on current page
Draw text on current page
Draw on the current page circle
Draw on the current page filled circle
Draw rectangle on current page
Draw on the current page filled rectangle
Tracking clicks
Clicking on an item
 SystemGet value of the system variable
Set value of the system variable
Configuring GPIO (Enhanced Only)
Set the backlight level
To sleep/to wake up the panel
Command at calibration
 ColorConversion RGB -> Highcolor
Color constant Highcolor
 SystemDeep sleep mode
Deep sleep mode
Reboot the controller
The status of the WiFi connection
Read system parameter
Save system parameter


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