The release of a new stable version of the FLProg program.

The stable version of the FLProg program has been updated to version 7.3.0.
All changes are not really described here – see the previous news of the project.
But one change I must note. Starting with this version, the program saves its files in Unicode encoding. Previous versions used Windows-1251.The encoding change was caused by problems when using special and national characters in the program that are not supported by the Windows-1251 encoding. But this change resulted in the fact that older versions of the program cannot directly open files created in the 7.3.0 program (project files, user blocks, controller descriptions, etc.). For the same reason, Scada Pleer was updated to version 3.0.
If you still want to use previous versions of the program, then the files created by FLProg 7.3.0 and older must be converted to Windows-1251 encoding. For this purpose, the codeconverter program was created, which can be downloaded here.


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Comments: 15Publics: 390Registration: 04-02-2018

2 thoughts on “The release of a new stable version of the FLProg program.”

  1. К сожалению .. не стабильная….   на сканирует шины I2C .. при включении в код дисплей давится процессор.. и толком не работает программа. Пробовал на 6 -ти УНО , новых.


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