Контроллер заряда от солнечной батареи

Доброго времени суток, коллеги! Целью создания данного проекта является примером того, что программой многоуважаемого Сергея Глушенко активно пользуются и на ней можно собирать довольно серьезные проекты. Практически в самом начале я написал простенький таймер на FLProg и опубликовал сюда, когда еще в программе не было и половины того, что мы имеем сейчас. Далее мне захотелось …

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Release of a new version of the program

FLProg was originally created as a graphical system for visual programming of controllers in the Arduino IDE. At the beginning these were AVR controllers, later ESP controllers were added. There are a large number of Arduino libraries for working with devices, which work quite well in small projects and on which the built-in FLProg blocks …

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Блок управления автоматическим твердотопливным котлом

Блок управления автоматическим ТТК на базе микроконтроллера ESP32. В блоке реализовано четыре режима работы котла. 1. Розжиг 2. Тление 3. Полуавтоматический 4. Автоматический Также осуществляется реверс шнека подачи угля по току В планах подключить Remotexy для удаленного управления котлом Видео работы  


The release of a new version of the FLProg program.

First of all, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! For this holiday, I release a new version of the program with the number 8.0.1. Unfortunately, I’m currently on shift, so I can’t restore the deployment farm yet. Because of this, the release has so far been made only for Windows 64 and …

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The release of a new version of the FLProg program.

A new version of the program with the number 8.0.0 has been released. The main changes in the program are related to the implementation of Modbus. In the process of working with the program, as well as in the development of controllers, the need to expand the possibilities of modbus implementation was identified. It was …

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The release of a new beta version of the program

A new version of the program with the number 7.5.1 has been released. What’s new. Implementation of the “Multi-project” principle – several projects within one file. The ability to set static addresses for system requests in the web interface (API for the web interface) Implementation of PCA9685 PWM expansion chip support for ESP controllers. In …

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The release of a new beta version of the program with the number 7.4.6.

A new version of the program with the number 7.4.6 has been released. The errors found in it have been fixed. In addition, the principle of transferring a web page has been redesigned. In the previous implementation, the page was first collected into a buffer, which was then given entirely to the server. With a …

Далее…The release of a new beta version of the program with the number 7.4.6.