Выход новой бэта версии

Вышла новая бэта версия программы с номером  7-4-1. Что нового: Исправлены ошибки, найденные при тестировании версии 7.4.0. Но я не успел исправить ошибку с RemoteXY. Постараюсь сделать это к выходу следующей версии. Как говорит наш «президент» – прошу отнестись с пониманием  )))). Устранена блокировка экрана программы при после компиляции проекта и открытия Arduino IDE. Ну …

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Reloading of distributions of version 7.4.0

Due to the fact that my computer was updated for the release build farm, an oversight occurred during its transfer. The distributions of the Windows 32 and Windows 64 versions of the program (installers and portable) were damaged. Not all the necessary files were included in the packages. Distributions for other operating systems (Windows XP, …

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The release of a new beta version of the program.

A new version of the FLProg program has been released with the number 7.4.0. I remember well that I promised you version 8 with an online storage of user blocks. And moreover, the work on creating a repository has been implemented, about half. But life makes its own adjustments. For a number of reasons, I …

Далее…The release of a new beta version of the program.