The release of the test version of the program FL Prog 3.1

After a long break, a new version of the program with the number 3.1 was released. Due to the big changes in it, as well as the lack of time for full testing (I end the night shift), it came out in Beta status. I invite testers to check the program.

Anything new?

First, about the General new functionality:

For Leonardo, Micro and Due boards, blocks are created that allow using these controllers as a USB control media device. This mode works on both Windows and Android (and possibly on Linux, not tested). No driver is required, the device gets Plug and Play.


Implemented block ‘bit change Detector’ – which on its output creates a short (lasting one cycle of the program) pulse when the input signal from 0 to 1 or back.

Blocks for working with structures are implemented. It is now possible to create custom structures that contain a set of data of any type registered in the program, including arrays. I will write a lesson on working with these blocks later.



Breakdown blocks are implemented:

  • Four-byte variables (Float, Long, Unsigned Long ) per four bytes.
    Two-byte variable (Integer) by two bytes.
    Eight-bit byte.
    Back-build all of these types.

Supporting digital potentiometers the MCP41xxx series. Other at the moment, I have, as will appear, it will expand support of the series.

Support of MCP2515 can bus controllers There is an opportunity to read CAN bus messages, write messages to it, catch messages with certain codes.

Fixed a certain number of bugs, one of which is almost not allowed to work in the language of LAD.

And the most delicious.

Supports controllers ESP8266.

While not all supported modules and boards have been added to the list, I have not yet found the info for everyone (Pinout, descriptions, photos), but I will add this list to the release of the stable version. The addition of a new type of stone required a major overhaul of the entire program. I tried to make the integration of the new stones much easier in the future (and I’m already looking at the STM controllers).

At the moment, most of the functionality of FLProg is implemented for ESP controllers. What has not yet been implemented is hidden to this controller. Part of the units I tested in action, part just the lack of errors when compiling in ArduinoIDE.

What is tested in action:

  • The blocks Web Server and Web Client
    Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP
    Bridge Modbus RTU -> Modbus dcrowell was only in the compilation, but in theory should work.
    The DS18B20 sensors and bus scan OneWare
    Sensor DHT22
    DS1307 real-time clock
    HD44780 display on I2C bus
    Ultrasonic range finder
    What didn’t work:

High-speed counter – ESP different principle of operation with timers, not yet figured out how. I’ll figure it out.
All work with EEPROM. The same quite differently, understood, not enough time to rewrite. I will.
WatchDog-ESP has good hardware, so I will do. I know, it takes time.
What else will be finalized

Sleep mode-like figured out-I think I will.
Ah and still think………

In view of such serious changes, well, the hard deadline (I ended the night shift) version released of course damp, and in the status of Beta. Who wants and who has time, start testing and detecting bugs. I’ll take care of that too.

Note that projects created or saved in this version will not be opened in earlier versions. But the projects created in previous versions in this should open without problems.

Good luck to you in your work.


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Comments: 15Publics: 392Registration: 04-02-2018

7 thoughts on “The release of the test version of the program FL Prog 3.1”

  1. Здравствуйте! В remotexy полноценно esp8266 будет работать? Сей час нельзя выбрать как контроллер совместим с FlProg! Большое спасибо за Ваш труд!!!

  2. Сергей спасибо большое. Очень ждал возможность программирования ESP . Столкнулся с проблемой при нажатии кнопки компиллирование проекта появляется заставка Arduino IDE исчезает и всё. С другими версиями нет проблем. Пробовал и на портативной версии и на установленной. На компе так же установленна Arduino IDE 1.8.5

  3. Добрый день. Была проблема с быстрым счётчиком, выход с зарержкой. В Ардуино работало отлично. Но с “nodemcu esp8266” работать отказывалось. При компиляции в IDE были ошибки таймера. Точнее не помню. В FlProg  проэк делал как для Ардуино, но грузил в “nodemcu esp8266” всё остальное работало, кроме задержки.


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