Update the test version of the program to FLProg 3.1.1

The test version of the program has been updated to 3.1.1.
Version 3.1 is described here .
Changes in version 3.1.1.

1-the size of the project file was 4 megabytes, became 130 kilobytes
2 – if the input block word – >bytes left without value-the program crashesfixed.
3-doubleword – in the form of a constant can be any of the typesfixed
4 – when using digital inputs from analog program crashes when compilingfixed
5-Checked Lad on NodeMcu-when trying to compile the flyout with an empty project. That is, LAD for 8266 is not working. – fixed
6-Well, an old mistake-in the display settings instead of selecting the number of “columns” written “rows”. – fixed
7-When you double-click or to view the settings blocks of the word and doubleword doubleword in addition to the Assembly – program crashfixed.
8. – digitalWrite (15, HIGH); lift not include! pinMode(15, INPUT_PULLUP); works correctlyfixed
9-Implemented work with EEPROM.
10 – implemented speed meter unit
11-work of web server, web client, variable reception/transmission via communications has been debugged.
12-fixed working with I2C
13-do not understand the situation with the SCK, SI pins when using esp (D or gpio). Pins with the same numbers are available when you select CS.fixed
14 – high-speed counter Seems to be broken. On МЕГЕ2560 when using all six interrupts error when compiling in the ide. Later I will lay out the project.fixed
15-Block Current IP address with ESP8266 not functioning. And I would really like to work. It is inconvenient to find out the IP-scanner address of the device every time.fixed
16-Hello Everyone. In block SVFC in the transmission on the front front do not receive output Send. In the last version there was also. – – fixed

I will continue work on modbus. The task was not trivial and difficult. But I am sure-I will win))).

Updates from version 3.1 to version 3.1.1 are available for download

Continue testing!


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Comments: 15Publics: 392Registration: 04-02-2018

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