The release of a new version of the beta version of the program

A new version of the program has been released with the number 7.4.4. This version has been developed for a long time and hard, but I hope the result is worth it. In this version, the ability to create your own widgets on the web interface pages is implemented.
What is added is a long time to paint, so I recorded a short video in which I briefly describe the new features.
Please note that if you downloaded the program before zero hours in Moscow on February 7, download the program again, because a critical error was detected and the distributions were re-downloaded.


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Comments: 15Publics: 390Registration: 04-02-2018

4 thoughts on “The release of a new version of the beta version of the program”

  1. Здравствуйте! Это направление развития программы безусловно интересно и необходимо, пожалуйста не забрасывайте его. Только одна просьба продолжите работу RemoteXY.


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