The release of the beta version of the program Fprog with the number 6.0.

With a small delay, a new beta version of the program was released.

Version 6.X the main task is integration of the controller ESP32. At the very beginning of work on this version, it was discovered that the current implementation of the controller description system does not allow to describe this processor. In this regard, it was necessary to completely redo this implementation. Under this case, I decided to implement a long-required functionality – the ability to users to create their own descriptions of the controller. Therefore architecture of new descriptions of controllers was developed at once taking into account this functionality, and besides I tried to make it the most flexible, and scalable.
In version 6.0, the “controller description editor” item appeared in the “Tools” menu of the main window, which calls this editor. It is possible to create a new description from scratch, and create a new one on the basis of an existing one, and then edit it for your own needs.
Created descriptions and entire description libraries can be exported to a file and imported from a file.
More detailed work with the editor will be described by me in the lessons in the near future.
Creation of new architecture of descriptions of the controller, pulled for itself radical alteration of the program that caused delay in terms of release of the new version.
The biggest changes were made to the LAD programming environment. But I managed to remove the long-term “crutches” that were “framed”, due to errors in the architecture made at the very beginning of the development of the program.

Attention! Due to the optimization of the LAD project architecture in projects created in earlier versions when loading in version 6.0 and higher (in the future), the checkboxes “Enable pull-up resistor” and “protection against rattle”will be reset on the inputs (contacts). Note this when editing older projects.

The rest of the transition to the new version should be transparent, but still, do not forget that this is the BETA version, and the program may have errors.
Also updated the controller description viewer, and the information displayed in it is now more complete.
In the near future is not yet settled, a new architecture description of the controller, and don’t get out of the most gross errors, I’m not going to integrate ЕЅРЗ32. At the time of initial testing, my main task is to solve the long-promised and in-demand task of implementing support for the Cascades cloud.
So I invite the most daring users to test the new version of the program.

P. S
After downloading the distributions to the server, found the first bug. Program crashes when creating and editing custom blocks. The error is fixed, but I will not ship the new version yet. Only downloading distributions to the server takes about 15 hours. After the eighteenth I will arrive home, and will update the version (I think by that time other errors will be found and corrected). At home I finally got a good and high-speed Internet on optics.
While you can create and edit blocks in previous versions of the program, they are loaded without problems and work in the new version.


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Comments: 15Publics: 392Registration: 04-02-2018

7 thoughts on “The release of the beta version of the program Fprog with the number 6.0.”

  1. Некоторые ошибки которые нашел:
    1)В блоке АЦП ads1115 при выборе усиления по входу в блоке как такового входа не появляется (в старых версиях так-же)

    2)Окно программы “выбор контроллера” выходит за пределы рабочего стола, за нижнюю панель задач (помогает автоматическое свертывание панели задач)

    p.s. старый интерфейс (4.2.4) версии лучше чем из 5+ версий, так что респект!

  2. Невозможность нажать ок\выбрать или отмену выбора, эти кнопки не влазят в екран, размер экрана тоже не меняется

  3. Здравствуйте. Большое спасибо за ваш труд. В 5-х версиях программы появилась ошибка компиляции при добавлении в проект микросхемы расширения входов MCP23017. В 6.0.0 ошибка осталась, в 4-х версиях этой ошибки не было. Насколько я понял, проблема возникла при переходе на новую версию ARDUINO IDE. Если компилировать проект созданный в новой версии FLPROG но в старой версии IDE ошибки нет.


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