Transfer Online Help

Online Help to the program was integrated into the main site of the program. In the next version of the program, when you set the “Online Help” mode, the help will be opened on the main site. This is due to the cost optimization of the website, and to refrain from hosting Anyway, this hoster is very cost and reliability. Constant glitches on the host, and regular dumps of communication. So completely turn on


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Comments: 15Publics: 390Registration: 04-02-2018

1 thought on “Transfer Online Help”

  1. Доброго времени суток! Подскажите пожалуйста, при подключении DTH11 с выходом на LCD2*16 (I2C)  выводит на дисплей “H: NAN%T: NANC” это я так понимаю неисправен датчик, пробавал разными скетчами загружать, (искал в инете) показания не отображались.???


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