
Работа входного с привязкой резистора 10к кнопка на минус в схеме надо инвертировать  в блоках задаете адрес от 0 до 7 и указываете шину I2C у esp-01 CSL-0 CDA-2 , nodemcu SDA – D2  SDL – D1 скачать Adafruit_MCP23017.rar скачать Mcp23017_OUTPUT_(CODE).ubi скачать Mcp23017_INPUT_(CODE).ubi


Release of a new stable version of the program.

There is a new stable version of the program with the number 5.3. This release completes line 5.x. After the release of 5.2.2. there were no big innovations in the program, and the work on elimination of the found errors was mainly carried out. I believe that all the tasks that were planned for the …

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