Release of a new stable version of the program.

There is a new stable version of the program with the number 5.3. This release completes line 5.x. After the release of 5.2.2. there were no big innovations in the program, and the work on elimination of the found errors was mainly carried out.
I believe that all the tasks that were planned for the fifth version of the program have been completed.
1. Update the rendering algorithm schema –> rendering scheme is implemented from scratch, and eliminated “brake»
2. Scaling the workspace -> thanks to the new rendering, the same has been fully implemented
3. Search for blocks -> implemented interface Cross-reference with the ability to navigate to the desired block or to the desired item of the project tree / tag table
4. Thanks to the change of the programming language version it was possible to optimize the work of the program on multi-core processors and 64-bit OS.

The next version of the program will be released with the index 6, beta status, and it is planned to implement support for the controller ESP32.
But of course – if critical bugs are found in version 5.3, they will be fixed and the stable version will be updated.


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Comments: 15Publics: 392Registration: 04-02-2018

9 thoughts on “Release of a new stable version of the program.”

  1. Не загружает проект в ардуино NANO com порт пк опредиляет но загрузки не происходит в более позних версиях все загружает

  2. Блок “menu” глючит, и несколько раз компиляция завершалась ошибкой при этом если повторить ещё то ошибки нет.


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