Sad news

Our project has been lost. The project forum administrator Andrei Sidorenko (Anydy) has died.

He has been with the project almost from the very first days of its existence and has been administering the project forum for many years, helping both novice and experienced users. His departure is very difficult for our community, and he will remain in our memory forever young and cheerful.

I express my deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.

Provide material or moral support to his family: (contacts of his father):

Card number 2202 2006 5663 7624 Viktor Vasilyevich S. (card number was found out by Rovki from the forum)



Publication author

Comments: 15Publics: 392Registration: 04-02-2018

3 thoughts on “Sad news”

  1. Люди, низкий поклон Вам за то, что вы разделили со мной скорбь об ушедшим из жизни
     моем сыне Андрее. Поверьте, он там, на небесах будет горд, что вы отдали ему дань памяти,
    что его любимые форумчане собрали деньги ему на памятник. Он вложил душу и самого
     себя в этот проект. Он Вас всех любил. Он жил Вашим форумом. Живите долго.


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