Program for converting the encoding of project files and service files of the FLProg program.

Starting with version 7.3.0, FL Pro saves all its files in Unicode encoding, previously Windows-1251 encoding was used. It caused problems related to the use of special symbols and national symbols in projects, user blocks, etc. To eliminate these problems, the transition to the new encoding was made. But due to this transition, older versions …

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Install the package Arduino Due to ArduinoIDE

Starting from version 2.3 the program FLProg added support for Arduino DUE boards. But in the ArduinoIDE package included with the program is not by default loaded packages for this Board. To download these packages should do the following steps. Bet you compile the project, after the opening of the window to open ArduinoIDE Manager …

Далее…Install the package Arduino Due to ArduinoIDE