Starting with version “2.0” in the program FLProg added support for the English language. Full use of the English version includes a license for the language pack. The company FLProg not engaged in the development of language packages and the sale of licenses. This deals with a third-party company. While the shop for the sale of licenses is in development. The price of language packs has not yet been formed. But the company FLProg reserved the right to distribute license keys as gifts to users, providing significant assistance to the project. To donate the project, You can “Donate in the development of the project” page (note – use of the Russian payment system!), transfer to PayPal or Web Money (R112025323595 (RUB) Z730764935242 (USD)). If the amount of aid will be 10USD or more and in the comments to the transfer You provide your email address and the request code created by the program FLProg, the company FLProg as a gift within 24 hours you will receive to the specified e-mail address license key to activate the language pack.
Without a license key, the English version works for 20 minutes after each program start. After this time is automatically switching to Russian interface language.
Switching interface language:
Step 1
Step 2.
Partial interface switching happens immediately after applying the settings. Untranslated will be only in the main program menu. For a complete switch to the new user interface language and restart the program.
To request code and enter your license key in the following way:
Step 1.
Step 2.
When working without a license in the status bar shows the time remaining until automatic switch to Russian interface.