Release of a new beta version of the program

The site has a new beta version of the program with the number 5.1.0. In this version the new drawing of the scheme made as they say “from scratch”is realized. Fixed rendering brakes. Implemented scaling scheme (buttons in the toolbar or mouse scroll wheel with Ctrl). In addition, the new drawing was written immediately with the expectation of the block search functionality, and over time this feature will be implemented.
The interface of the program is updated, it seems to me, the appearance has become more modern, and then I constantly received complaints about the fact that the program looks “Hello from the 90’s”. Although if you do not like this design, return to the old design for long. Over time, I will try to make it possible to switch skins in the settings.
Also back version for Linux. I managed to solve the problem with fonts under Linux.
Version of software XP fixed, and tested on virtualke.
Version for Malinka (Rasbery PI) is not yet developed. I took with me on watch and a raspberry, and HDMI cable, but at work there was no monitor with such a port. We have all monitors with DisplayPort. So the release of the version under Linux ARM will wait until my arrival home. Just try as much as possible to order a raspberry complete with a touch-screen, to debug work with him Scada-Pleera. Well, and if finances allow – I will order a Orange-PI and Banana PI. In terms of price, these scarves are even more attractive than Malinka and really want to run the program on them.

There’s some bad news. I had to give up the functionality of Undo – Redo. The process of logging changes caused about a third of the brakes, but when using user blocks with large loaded libraries, caused the program to fall due to lack of memory allocated to the process. In General, the implementation of the Undo – Redo functionality is one of the most difficult tasks in any program and there are no universal solutions. I will continue to think about how to implement this functionality, and eventually try to get it back.
In the near future I do not plan any more global changes in the program. While I “lick” the program citing it as stable release. In parallel I will eliminate already found errors and new ones. I will also implement small, but very popular features. For example, very much ask for the ability to connect to Kaskada-Cloud – I will try to implement. Well, I will continue to put in order the frames on which the “scattered” lines.
All the opinions, remarks and bugs as always, you can discuss on the project forum in the relevant subject.


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Comments: 15Publics: 390Registration: 04-02-2018

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