Блок для считывания 3 независимых RFID считывателей Wiegand 26/34 для Arduino Mega 2560

Параметры gateA , gateB , gateC типа Boolean.
Используется для активации/деактивации соответствующего считывателя.
Максимум 3 считывателя. Описание по подключению к ногам ниже.

The Wiegand interface is a de facto standard commonly used to connect a card reader or keypad to an electronic entry system. Wiegand interface has the ability to transmit signal over long distance with a simple 3 wires connection. This library uses interrupt pins from Arduino to read the pulses from Wiegand interface and return the code and type of the Wiegand.

## Requirements

The following are needed

Arduino Mega 2560 Any compatible board should work.

Wiegand RFID Reader.

Reader 1 :

DATA0 of Wiegand connects to Arduino PIN 2
DATA1 of Wiegand connects to Arduino PIN 3

Reader 2 :

DATA0 of Wiegand connects to Arduino PIN 21
DATA1 of Wiegand connects to Arduino PIN 20

Reader 3 :

DATA0 of Wiegand connects to Arduino PIN 19
DATA1 of Wiegand connects to Arduino PIN 18




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