Release of a new beta version of the program

A new beta version of the FLProg program with the number 9-2-6 has been released

Starting with this version, the program has a new functionality.

  1. Automatic creation of user blocks on FBD. To do this, you need to select a part of the circuit on one board that you want to convert into a user block.

Then select “Create user block” from the right menu


In the window that opens, specify the block name for the library and the block label


After that, the program will create a custom block based on the selected blocks, but only from those that can be used in it. The rest of the blocks will remain on the board.

It may be necessary to adjust the arrangement of the blocks on the board (as in this case).



After that, you can work with this block as with a regular FBD custom block (place it in the custom block library, edit, copy…)


2. New functionality for variables, system parameters, modbus variables, menu item value blocks has appeared.

New designations:

The green circle means that this value is stored in the EEPROM.

The green triangle indicates the presence of a change in value detector at the input of the block.


This function is similar to the design

3. Fixed errors in the user block editors, syntax highlighting and monospace font are enabled for the Code Basic and Code Professional editors.

4. Fixed errors found by program users.

At the moment, at the request of users, I have started working on integrating the MQQT protocol into the program. And also restoring the operation of RemoteXY.


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